Intentional Living

Pine tree with a pine cone and snow.

How to Be Intentional During the Christmas Holiday Season

Ah, the holiday season—a beautiful time of year filled with festive lights, joyous gatherings, and the spirit of giving in the United States. As the festive buzz of holiday spending surrounds us, it’s a good time to reflect on the past year and look forward to new beginnings in the coming one. Here, let’s embark […] Read more…

Busy moms, are you looking for intentional ways to get into God's word? Come on over and read my tips on how to do just that.

Intentional Ways In Helping Busy Moms Get Into God’s Word

This post may contain affiliate link. Read our disclosure policy for more information. **Don’t miss the amazing giveaway at the end of the post!** As busy moms we wear so many hats throughout the day, Right? We are moms, doctors, referees, chauffeurs, chief, teachers, motivational speakers, and the list goes on.  We are CONSTANTLY needed and being pulled […] Read more…

intentional woman, woman smiling, confident woman

3 Practical Tips You Need to Know To Be An Intentional Woman

  As women, we have many hats to wear and plates to balance. We’re constantly being pulled in multiple directions. Living as an intentional woman can seem like an impossibility. However, like most things in life that are worth doing, it isn’t impossible, but it can be a challenge. The question is, are you up […] Read more…

A fun way to be intentional with your kids this Thanksgiving, is to give them a scavenger hunt to complete. This will be sure to make the holiday memorable.

Intentional Activities for Kids – Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt

Thanksgiving brings forth turkey, pumpkin pie, family, thankfulness, and kids abounding with energy. It seems like they have limitless energy before the meal and after. A fun way to be intentional with your kids this Thanksgiving is to give them a scavenger hunt to complete. This will be sure to make the holiday memorable. THANKSGIVING […] Read more…

Are you looking for a set of wholesome books for your elementary age son to read during the summer? Look no further let me introduce you to the perfect set of books that your son will definitely enjoy. Sonlight's Summer Readers are fun and high-quality books. Come on over and see what we thought about them.

How To Make Summer Reading Fun For Your Reluctant Reader

I received a copy of Sonlight Summer Readers and was compensated for my time in writing this post. I was not required to write a positive review and all opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links. Thanks for your support! As we are getting ready for our summer break, I find myself getting […] Read more…

As busy moms we struggle in finding time to do ALL that we need to do. It's a constant struggle, isn't it? I want to tell you that there is hope.

5 Ways to Take Back Your Time as a Busy Mom

One of the most common laments I hear from moms is that they are just too busy. The sentiment tends to be that they feel they “don’t have time” for those pursuits they used to enjoy prior to becoming moms – pursuits like practicing self-care, in-depth Bible study, deeper friendships, regular date nights, giving time […] Read more…

Looking on how to have an intentional summer? Come on over and read what Sheri had to say and add these fun and practical ideas to your summer bucket list.

How to Have an Intentional Summer

For many of us, we are now in the middle of our summer break. Kids are home from school or, if you homeschool, are taking a break for the summer. We so anticipate and look forward to this break, but when it actually arrives we don’t know what to do with it. Before we know […] Read more…

Want to be more intentional in organization? Take some time to reorganize, declutter and repurpose with these 3 secrets for intentional organization.

3 Secrets to Intentional Organization

The definition for organizing is “the action of organizing something”. What a sweet and simple definition, right? They make it sound so easy but I know many of us mommas find organizing a REAL struggle. The definition for intentional is “done with a purpose”. So what if we combined the word intentional to the beginning of […] Read more…

Simple ways to be intentional with the plethora of information, samples, and catalogs that you receive at a homeschool convention.

Being Intentional With all that Information from a Homeschool Convention

Every year for the last three years I have attended the Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention held in Nashville at the Opryland Hotel. The convention is three days of sessions and an exhibit hall that is filled with information, notes, tips, brochures, handouts, advice, books, and curriculum. You can imagine how many paper piles up! […] Read more…

Intentionally teaching to your child's gifts brings powerful quality to your child's learning. 7 tips for intentionally teaching to your child's gifts are:

Intentionally Teaching to Your Child’s Gifts

  If you and I sat down to chat about intentionally teaching to your child’s gifts, I am guessing you already know where your child naturally shines. Each of us know there are things we just learn easily, and the same is true for your child. Intentionally teaching to your child’s gifts can enrich the […] Read more…

The Remarkable Truth About Intentional Family Devotions

The Remarkable Truth About Intentional Family Devotions

Years ago, our Wednesday night Pastor was going through the book of Revelation and my husband and I we were hooked on end times prophecy. This inspired us to do an in-depth Bible study on the book Daniel as a family. The greatest thing about this family study was that our oldest kids, ages 11 […] Read more…

Tricia shares 5 intentional steps to creating great health habits. Her tips are both simple and practical to follow and implement in your own life.

5 Intentional Steps to Creating Great Health Habits

You already know a healthy lifestyle will lead to a better quality of life but did you know that in order to achieve a healthy lifestyle it’s absolutely necessary to be intentional about creating and implementing good health habits? I’m a busy homeschool mom and just like you I get tired and overwhelmed. I often […] Read more…

Learn about intentional learning fun in your homeschool plus get five great tips for helping your implement this positive practice.

How to Have Intentional Learning Fun in Your Homeschool

Have you ever asked your kids what they remember from your homeschool day? How do they respond to recalling last week’s homeschool lessons? Or have loved ones, even strangers, asked your kids about their homeschooling experiences? How do your kids answer? I ask you these questions based on personal experience. When we began homeschooling and […] Read more…

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