Raising Godly Boys Series

If we want to raise Godly boys, we need to connect them with Godly mentors. Growth and change come as we learn from others who love on us and share their life as an open book.

Raising Godly Boys: Boys Need Mentors

One Sunday morning after church, I was chatting with Joe. He was in 7th grade at the time and he loved wrestling and playing soccer. I wrestled in my high school days and I was eager to find out how his season was progressing. I asked him how wrestling was going. He proceeded to tell […] Read more…

If you are experiencing frustration over your child's prayer life then I would recommend any of these three methods as a starting place to raise godly boys who know how to pray.

Raising Godly Boys Who Know How to Pray

Raising Godly boys is a topic that I care deeply about because I have three sons of my own. My boys are 9, 6, and 5 years old and they are 100% boy—active, dirty, and loud! My husband and I feel under a lot of pressure to raise our boys up right in the Lord […] Read more…

My sons are still quite young, and they never cease to delight me with a barrage of questions about life. Sometimes the answers come easy, and sometimes they do not. My goal has always been to engage their minds in thought while engaging their hearts to be compassionate.

Raising Godly Boys with Compassionate Hearts

My sons are still quite young, and they never cease to delight me with a barrage of questions about life. Sometimes the answers come easy, and sometimes they do not. My goal has always been to engage their minds in thought while engaging their hearts to be compassionate. Raising Godly Boys with Compassionate Hearts Not […] Read more…

It's not an easy task to raise godly boys but we know that we, godly moms, are called to intentionally raise our boys to love God, follow Christ's footsteps, and fulfill their God-given destiny. More than that, we are called to raise godly boys to conquer the world!

How to Raise Godly Boys to Conquer the World

It’s not an easy task to raise godly boys but we know that we, godly moms, are called to intentionally raise our boys to love God, follow Christ’s footsteps, and fulfill their God-given destiny. More than that, we are called to raise godly boys to conquer the world! We know we live in a spiritual war […] Read more…

When it comes to raising godly boys, one of the most important things we as parents can do is to practice the art of conversation. This involves more than simply talking to our kids. It involves talking with them.

Raising Godly Boys: Conversation Matters

When it comes to raising godly boys, one of the most important things we as parents can do is to practice the art of conversation. This involves more than simply talking to our kids. It involves talking with them. Good conversations happen when we are able to truly communicate. So listening is as important as talking. […] Read more…

The picture of us raising our children to shoot them out into the world, as straight as arrows, ready for battle, will always stick close to my heart, and I pray that it will continue to mold and shape my heart as I help them make good decisions for themselves and to be SHOT OUT into the world and impact the world for HIS GLORY. 

Helping Our Sons Overcome The Battle In Their Hearts

We were off to such a good start…this new little family of 4. My first son was 2.5 when my second son was born. He was smitten from the beginning….wanting to hold him, sing to him, and be the big brother we had talked about while I was pregnant. Then, little brother started crawling…he started […] Read more…

We all want to raise our sons to become responsible men. Anyone who has been a parent, however, knows that our kids don't start out that way. Our young children are naturally selfish and irresponsible with a tendency toward being lazy. So, how do we raise godly boys to become responsible men?

5 Tips for Raising Godly Boys to Become Responsible Men

We all want to raise our sons to become responsible men. Anyone who has been a parent, however, knows that our kids don’t start out that way. Our young children are naturally selfish and irresponsible with a tendency toward being lazy. So, how do we raise godly boys to become responsible men? Sometimes, when we […] Read more…

Raising Godly boys in today's world is an achievable but hard task. Thankfully we don't have to go through the parenting journey alone. There are so many areas concerning our children that can be lifted up in prayer. It draws us closer to the Lord and we realize even more how much we need Him. Here are 5 Prayers for Raising Godly Boys.

5 Prayers For Raising Godly Boys

Hi, I’m Anu, the creator of Growing Curious Minds. As a mom of two boys, my deepest desire is for them to walk with the Lord and to possess godly characteristics. Raising Godly boys especially in today’s world is not an easy task. Prayer is the best ammunition we have to protect our family. Today, […] Read more…

Raising Godly Boys in a Socially Driven World

Raising Godly Boys in a Socially Driven World

The eye is the lamp of the body. IF your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness! Matthew 6:22-23 NIV Raising Godly Boys in […] Read more…

Future Son-in-law

Dear Mom of my Future Son-in-law

Dear Mom of my future son-in-law, Today I was praying for your family and more specifically, I was praying for your son. Since the day each of my daughters were born, I began to pray for your son. I don’t know his name or the color of his hair, but I know we are preparing […] Read more…

There is no doubt we live in a society dominated by self. How challenging it has become for parents to raise their kids as God-fearing, healthy adults in light of the culture we face today. We have a remarkable calling as parents to raise our boys to see God's true identity for them.

Raising Godly Boys: Cultivating Identity

Our current society has made it trendy to complain about having littles at home. The Cheerios in our hair, the inability to dress nicely or put on makeup without a kid screaming for our attention every second, etc. (although true and sometimes funny too). I’ve even heard a father recently discuss how children interfere with […] Read more…

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