Sharing is caring!

Are you a homeschool mom looking for encouragement? Come on over and read 20 encouraging posts written by 20 homeschool moms sharing from their heart.

My friend Amy from Rock Your Homeschool had an AMAZING blog party throughout the month of July called 20 Days of Homeschooling Encouragement. I was a contributor to this awesome homeschool blog party and it was so much fun! We had 19 other amazing homeschool moms that participated because they wanted to encourage other homeschool moms. They all selected a topic that was dear to their hearts in hope that it would bring you encouragement as you continue on your homeschooling journey.

As homeschoolers, we know how important it is to find a community that provides you with support and encouragement. Without the support and encouragement from others traveling this homeschooling journey on our own is sometimes a hard road to travel.

We wanted homeschool moms to find encouragement during this blog party and to feel part of a community that would understand the struggles, concerns, and victories in the life of a homeschool mom. Being encouraged by someone who understands and that we can relate to empowers us to get back into the race and continue on. It helps us see things in a better light, which helps us pace ourselves to continue this marathon that we all call our homeschooling journey!

So are you ready to be encouraged by some awesome moms?!? If your answer is “YES!” Go grab a cup of your favorite drink and sit back, relax and enjoy these encouraging posts!

Below you will find 20 Homeschooling Encouragement Posts from the blog party! Enjoy!!

I have broken down the posts in categories in hope that it will make it easier for you to find the encouraging posts you are looking for.

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Do you need ENCOURAGEMENT in…..

Knowing You Are Enough

When Homeschooling Is Hard

You Are A First Time Homeschooler

You Are A Special Needs Homeschooler

Or are you wondering HOW….

To Teach Music (Even If You Don’t Know It Yourself)

You Can Homeschool While Working-Finding Balance

To Simply & Effectively Homeschool Multiple Children

 I Rock My Homeschool As A Work At Home Mom

To Create Your Own Perfect Homeschool

You Can Graduate Your Homeschooler Even When You Have No Idea On How To Do It

Here are a variety of other encouraging posts!

Why I Started Over With New Homeschool Curriculum

Homeschooling Is Hard (Yet Valuable!) Work

No More Mommy Guilt & Shame!

Peace Out Of Chaos:  Homeschooling Many Littles

Help! For The Homeschool Mama With A Struggling Reader

Why Focus On Building Relationships In Your Homeschool (my post!)

Homeschooling with Abundant Joy When You Want to Quit

Or are you looking for TIPS?

5 Things You ABSOLUTELY Need To Homeschool

Top 3 Things Every Homeschool Mom Needs

5 Secrets To A Happy Homeschool Year

To wrap up this wonderful 20 Days of Homeschooling Encouragement Blog Party we decided to end it with a FUN giveaway!

We are doing a group giveaway and would LOVE to bless one homeschool mama with some GREAT prizes!

Are you a homeschool mom looking for encouragement? Come on over and read 20 encouraging posts written by 20 homeschool moms sharing from their heart.

Here is the list of amazing homeschool bloggers who have contributed to this group giveaway.

Melissa of Soaring Arrows

Dachelle of Hide The Chocolate

Jennifer of Room In The Margins

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Jen of Practical, By Default

Jessica of Intentional in Life (that’s me!)

Kim of The Learning Hypothesis

Forest of Kingdom First Homeschool

Jenn of Chaotic Bliss Homeschooling

Amy of Rock Your Homeschool

The winner will receive over $135 in prizes-including a $60 Amazon Gift Card!

Here is a list of the prizes included in our Homeschooling Encouragement Group Giveaway:

Amazon Gift Card for $60

Teaching From Rest by Sarah Mackenzie

A Gracious Space: Winter Edition Digital Version by Julie Bogart

Homeschool Planning Calendar with Quotes + Printable Event Stickers (digital downloads)

Artist’s Loft Fashion Journal

Smitten Book Club (Christian Romance)

Adult Coloring Book + Coloring Pencils

Best STAYcation Ever eBook

Homeschool Planner (digital download)

Exploring Creation Field Trip Journal (Apologia)

The Ultimate Homeschool Planner

(Yes, we are offering a few homeschool planners. This giveaway gives you the chance to
check out a variety & see what works best for your family-or for different years!)

So go ahead and enter this AWESOME group giveaway! You never know…. you might just be the WINNER!!


Are you a homeschool mom looking for encouragement? Come on over and read 20 encouraging posts written by 20 homeschool moms sharing from their heart.

If you know of any other homeschooling moms that need encouragement please share this post with them!
 Have some encouraging words or tips? Please share them below I would love to hear them plus let’s encourage one another!

Sharing is caring!

3 Comments on Finding Encouragement In Your Homeschooling Journey

  1. So exciting! I’m so grateful to all of these homeschoolers who have been willing to share from the heart. You are all true blessings! Thanks for helping & sharing:)

    • You are so welcome Amy! I am so glad you found it helpful. As homeschoolers we need to be encouraged as well as encourage others! Having a place where we can go and find that encouragement is very important as we travel along our homeschooling journey.

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