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I am very excited to announce my first blog series called the Intentional Life Series- Purposeful Living, Loving & Growing Moms which starts today. (Eek!!) I have prayed about doing this series since November of last year and seeking God’s direction. In spending time with Him and with His guidance I decided to go for it! To step out in faith and to do this intentional life series for moms.

The Intentional Life Series For Moms - Purposeful Living, Loving & Growing Moms will give you encouragement, tips and so much more to live out a life of purpose. 

Before 2017 rolled in I was spending time with the Lord, seeking his face as I wanted guidance and direction in my life as well as for my family. I want God to order my steps in 2017 and to strengthen me to be intentional in all areas of my life. So I thought why not do an intentional life series for moms that would address those areas that many of us desire to be more intentional in.

It’s the perfect time to share with you how we can be purposeful in our lives. I know that we want to be intentional in all that we do. We all are in different seasons of our lives which makes it hard to do. I feel it’s the perfect time to share posts that will inspire and encourage you. Posts that will provide you with tips and resources on how to be intentional in our lives, so we can better serve Christ, ourselves, and our families in all that we do.

So what is “Intentional Life Series- Purposeful Living, Loving & Growing Moms” all about?

In this series, we will be addressing how to be intentional in different areas of our lives with the intent of serving Christ in all that we do, but that’s not all!! I have invited several awesome bloggers to be part of this series.

READ ALSO  How To Be Intentional In Creating Homeschool Connections

Let me introduce you to my fellow blogger friends that will be participating in the Intentional Life Series.

I am excited for you to meet all the wonderful bloggers that will be partaking in this series. They all have chosen a topic that I know will be a blessing to you. They will be sharing from their hearts and they ALL are excited about the series.

So are you ready to be encouraged and inspired by these awesome women?!? If your answer is YES! Just click on the links below and read the articles you are interested in reading and be encouraged. The Intentional Life Series For Moms - Purposeful Living, Loving & Growing Moms will give you encouragement, tips and so much more to live out a life of purpose.

Here is the schedule for the series if you would like to know what topics are being covered.

 Intentional Ways In Helping Busy Moms Get Into God’s Word by Jessica Anderson (Me!) here at Intentional in Life

Intentional Homeschool Planning When You’re not a Planner by Forest Rose at Kingdom First Homeschool

 Intentional In Creating Homeschool Connections by Melissa ‘Sherwood’ Jones at
Why I Intentionally Don’t Over Schedule our Days by Leah Martin at My Little Robins
 Intentional Time Management For The Busy Mom by Tauna Meyers at Proverbial Homesmaker
How to be Intentional in Your Worship (with Action Steps!) by Sandra Andrade 
How to Intentionally Pursue Peace by Melanie Wilson at Psychowith6 
Intentional Learning Fun With Your Kids by Amy Milcic at Rock Your Homeschool
Being an Intentional Grace Filled Mom by Tricia Soderstrom at Abounding in Hope with Lyme
Intentional Application of “all of that information you receive” at a Homeschool Conference by Tina Randolph 
The Remarkable Truth About Intentional Family Devotions by Tatiana Adurias at 
Intentional Homeschooling: Teaching to ‘Your Child’s Gifts’ by Amy Michaels 
Intentional One-on-One Time with Each of Your Children by Tara Wohlfold 
How I Failed to be Intentional by Dachelle Mayfield McVey at Hide the Chocolate
How to Be Intentional in Your Marriage When Life is a Mess by Lee Felix at Like Minded Musings

Don’t forget to share the Intentional Life Series post with your friends, family, and other fellow moms to let them know about this wonderful series. 

Also, don’t forget to join us over at my Intentional in Life Community Facebook page where we provide each other encouragement throughout the year as we strive together to live a more intentional life.

READ ALSO  Intentionally Teaching to Your Child's Gifts

I pray that this series will be a blessing to you. That it will give you practical tips, resources, encouragement, and inspiration so you can live out your calling to the fullest one day at a time.

 Are you excited about the series? Comment below with the topic that you are most looking forward to or what topics you would like me to cover in this series?

Sharing is caring!

11 Comments on Intentional Life Series – Purposeful Living, Loving & Growing Moms

    • Hi, Denise! So glad you stopped by to check out my series. Do come back and read the rest of the series posts. 🙂 I know it will encourage and inspire you!

    • Thanks Lee! I am also looking forward to this series. I am excited about all the amazing contributors that will be sharing their wisdom with all of us!

  1. What a powerhouse of bloggers you have gathered together, Jessica! I am honored to be a part of it and learn from these amazing women! Thank you! <3

  2. Jessica, this is fantastic!! I can’t wait for this series to start! I live the idea of an “intentional” post every Monday to help us be intentional during the week. Anyone following this series will see a big difference in their lives in just 3 months. The bloggers in this series are amazing women! I’m so excited to see this happening!!

    • Awe! Thank you Ana!! I love the idea of having an intentional post ever week too. So many ladies are so excited about the series! I am so honor to have so many incredible women joining me in this series. I pray that it will be a blessing to many women around the world.

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