character training for boys

My sons are still quite young, and they never cease to delight me with a barrage of questions about life. Sometimes the answers come easy, and sometimes they do not. My goal has always been to engage their minds in thought while engaging their hearts to be compassionate.

Raising Godly Boys with Compassionate Hearts

My sons are still quite young, and they never cease to delight me with a barrage of questions about life. Sometimes the answers come easy, and sometimes they do not. My goal has always been to engage their minds in thought while engaging their hearts to be compassionate. Raising Godly Boys with Compassionate Hearts Not […] Read more…

The picture of us raising our children to shoot them out into the world, as straight as arrows, ready for battle, will always stick close to my heart, and I pray that it will continue to mold and shape my heart as I help them make good decisions for themselves and to be SHOT OUT into the world and impact the world for HIS GLORY. 

Helping Our Sons Overcome The Battle In Their Hearts

We were off to such a good start…this new little family of 4. My first son was 2.5 when my second son was born. He was smitten from the beginning….wanting to hold him, sing to him, and be the big brother we had talked about while I was pregnant. Then, little brother started crawling…he started […] Read more…

Raising Godly Boys to Be tough and tender

Raising Godly Boys to Be Tough and Tender

“Anything is a blessing which makes us pray.” -Charles Spurgeon Mom, I don’t know about you, but the very thought of Raising Godly Boys is enough to bring me to my knees in prayer. If you’re reading this, I’m guessing you’re the same. My boy is one of the biggest blessings of my life. But when I […] Read more…

It's not enough to teach our boys to work hard, be kind and responsible, productive members of society. Teaching them to respect women is our job too. 

Raising Godly Boys Who Respect Women

I’m the oldest of four girls, raised by a single mother. Sadly, godly men were not abundant in our family. According to the National Center for Fathering, almost every social ill faced by America’s children is related to fatherlessness. Their article “The Consequences of Fatherlessness” states that: Being raised by a single mother raises the risk […] Read more…