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hands holding hearts, random acts of kindness for homeschoolers, random acts of kindness

There are so many articles on RAK but I’m yet to find one that shares fun ways to incorporate Random Acts of Kindness in your homeschool. So here I am sharing some of my creative ideas on how you can add RAK into your homeschool lifestyle without feeling like you are adding one more thing to your plate.

“Be kind to one another.” Ephesians 4:32

My family LOVES to do things together. We enjoy growing and spending time as a family. Blessing others brings us joy. So this year I wanted to be intentional in spreading kindness and love wherever we go. This is not difficult to do because many times we are already doing it and we don’t even realize that we are.

It can be as easy as texting a friend to see how she is doing, picking up a piece of paper at the park and throwing it away, holding the door for someone as they come into a store, and the list can go on.

As homeschoolers we are always out and about running errands, attending homeschool events, church activities, etc. So we always have the opportunity to do a random act of kindness every time we go out because people are everywhere.

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Here are 3 Fun Ways to Incorporate Random Acts of Kindness in your Homeschool

Let’s get started shall we?!?

1) Here is a list of things we have done which I hope will inspire you to work on your own list. You can create both a list for your family, and/or individual lists, of fun ways you can  spread kindness to those around you.


  • Help a family member with one of their chores.
  • Pick up someone else’s mess for them.
  • Make a special treat and share it with your family.
  • Write an encouraging note for a family member.
  • Set up a game to play with your family.

To read the rest of my article 3 Fun Ways to Incorporate Random Acts of Kindness in your Homeschool head on over to IHomeschool Network where I’m guest posting.

Related Articles for The Best 3 Random Acts of Kindness for Homeschoolers

How to Turn “Random Acts of Kindness” into a Family Lifestyle

Shift Your Family’s Perspective with a 30 Day Kindness Challenge

Acts of Kindness for Kids: You’re Awesome-Sauce

19 Simple Ways To Love Others As Christ Loves Us

105 of the Best Random Acts of Kindness

Don’t forget to grab your free Random Acts of Kindness Homeschool Ideas Mini Printable Pack by CLICKING THE IMAGE BELOW!

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It will help you get started right away.

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2 Comments on The Best 3 Random Acts of Kindness for Homeschoolers

    • Hi Christian,

      I’m glad to hear that you found my article helpful. I love your idea of sending family members letters and I’m trying to do the same.

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