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A lot has happened in our lives in the last year while homeschooling our sons and in all honesty, life just happened in a BIG way. Many times we are thrown a curve ball which we can’t hit or we end up riding a wave that we can’t get off.

Right?!? I know we aren’t alone. I know we all have had our share of life interruptions where things seem at a standstill and we feel lost, yet the realization that we need to get back to some normality is ever present.

When you are going through a hard time CTCMath will help you conquer your fear of math and recover the joy of learning math once again.

 This post contains affiliate links. I was compensated for my time & given a CTCMath membership for sharing this information with you. Read our disclosure policy for more info.

Trying to homeschool in the midst of hardship is not easy, so we focused on teaching the basics especially Math. Math is a subject that you can’t really put aside for too long. 

So we were thankful to have discovered CTCMath when we did. It helped us stay consistent with having our oldest continue his Math lessons.

How did CTCMath help us? Here is a bit of our story…

An Unexpected Call

You see, last year was a difficult year for our family. We received an unexpected call regarding my mother-in-law that she was found unresponsive and was taken to the hospital. Hours later we got another call that she was now in intensive care and not getting better. We were told we would have to prepare ourselves for what may come.

So we packed a few things and headed to Florida for our 9+ hour drive with our young sons. 

We didn’t know what was going to happen when we got there. We made it there around 6:00 a.m. and went straight to the hospital. A couple of hours later I left with my boys while my husband stayed at the hospital.

The Loss

Several hours later I got the call I was praying not to get… I was given the news that my sweet mother-in-law had gone to be with the Lord. It was such an emotional time especially because I had to tell our boys that their grandmother had passed. 

It’s been a year now and we dearly miss her. We sometimes find ourselves thinking of her and our eyes fill up with tears. It still hurts to know she isn’t here with us anymore.

After the funeral we returned home with heavy hearts but hopeful that we will one day see her again.

Getting Back Into A Routine

So, trying to get back into some type of routine was hard at first and it took time but we still wanted our oldest to keep up with the basics. Math was the one subject that we did not have to worry about because of the online Math curriculum we were using. 

CTCMath was actually perfect for us to use while we grieved the loss of my dear mother-in-law. We were able to pick up exactly where we left off and continue to move forward with our math lessons.

READ ALSO  How to Homeschool a Discouraged Child

My son would at times do more than one lesson a day or even do a couple of math lessons during the weekend. The lessons are short so it wasn’t a problem for my son to do more than one lesson. Actually, he was the one that would approach me and ask me if he could do his math lesson and even would ask if he could do more than one lesson.

That’s a WIN in my book!! My child asking me if he could do his math lesson, that’s music to my ears. 🙂

When you are going through a hard time CTCMath will help you conquer your fear of math and recover the joy of learning math once again.

Conquering Math With CTCMath Online Program

CTCMath is so easy to use and helps my day go by so much smoother. When you are going through a difficult time, or even if you’re not, CTCMath will help you conquer your fear of Math and recover the joy of learning math once again.

Let me share with you 4 reasons how CTCMath helped us conquer math when we were going through a hard time.

1) Helps you to be consistent in getting math lesson done each day.

The way CTCMath is set up it helps me to stay consistent in making sure my son does his math lesson every day. My son is able to log in on his own and do the lessons without my assistance. He doesn’t have to wait for me to start his math lesson anymore because he is able to do it on his own. WooHoo!!

2) It’s stress-free for parents.

I love how CTCMath is already set up for you and how there is no prep work involved. There is no need to plan out any math lessons because the lessons are already planned out for you. You also don’t need to grade the work as it is graded for you. You also receive a progress report which is sent to you weekly letting you know how your child is doing.

3) Your child can do the lessons on their own.

When you first sign up to set up your CTCMath account you are asked to set up an account for each of your children. This allows your child to be able to log in to their student dashboard and begin their math lesson o their own. The instructional videos are less than 10 minutes long which is the perfect amount of time for your child to stay focused on the lesson.

After they watch the video they answer a set of questions and then they are done. When they are done you can look over their work and answer any questions they may have in regards to their assignment. In being able to do their lessons on their own it teaches them responsibility, encourages independence and builds their self-confidence.

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4) No more complaints from your child about doing their math lessons.

Before we started CTCMath my son would complain about doing his math lessons. There were times when he would cry out of frustration because he didn’t understand how to do the math problem. There were meltdowns as well. So when I introduced CTCMath to my oldest he was excited to try it out. He loved the fact that it was an online math program.

After trying out CTCMath my son gave me two thumbs up and told me that he really liked doing his math lessons now. He asked me if he would be able to continue using CTCMath and I said, of course, you can. 😉

Now that is a huge WIN in my book!

Take CTCMath For A Test Drive

I encourage you to give CTC Math a try. It is definitely a curriculum that I recommend hands down!

CTCMath is definitely a stress-free way of learning Math and a great way to keep up with Math when life throws you a curve ball.

This math curriculum is perfect for any season or circumstance you find yourself in at the moment. It doesn’t matter if you have a crazy schedule, had a major interruption, are dealing with chronic illness or are grieving the loss of a loved one like we were. This curriculum is worth checking out and giving it a try.

You have nothing to lose and so much to gain!

Still on the fence? I totally get that…so why not try out their Free Trial and see how CTCMath can work for you and your family.

Right now they are offering a fantastic deal where you will get an exclusive 50% off discount and 6 months FREE that’s just $148.50 if you sign up for their 12- month Family Membership and that will cover your entire family! If you don’t need a family subscription they also have a single membership for just $98.50 for a 12-month membership + 6 months FREE. 

>>>>Don’t miss out on this fantastic deal!<<<<<

Want to look inside CTCMath?

I’ll walk you through every single awesome feature so you can get a real feel for why so many homeschool moms love this online math curriculum and are making the switch.

Now you can watch my full CTCMath Review.

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