hard homeschooling days

God can give us strength and provide wisdom, discernment, peace and help even when homeschooling in the midst of mental illness.

How To Homeschool in the Midst of Mental Illness

“Your mental illness is not your identity. Your identity is in Christ” Kay Warren There are a lot of things I never imagined saying, much less dealing with as I dreamt of having kids. As a Mom of a toddler, tweens and a teen, I just smile and shake my head often. But if I’m […] Read more…

Amber Lia talks about triggers in our homeschool and pratical ways on how not to let anger affect our relationships with your children.

How To Homeschool When You Feel Triggered Towards Anger

As a former teacher, I felt pretty confident about being able to homeschool my kids well from an academic standpoint. As a recovering angry mom, I knew that being my kids’ teacher was going to bring with it some unique new triggers. And I was right. For the last five years, I have been leading […] Read more…

Are you having hard homeschooling days? Come on over and read my tips on how you can turn your hard days into a blessing.

How to turn your hard homeschooling days into a blessing!

As homeschoolers, we know how important it is to plan out our homeschool year. When we plan out our year there are many things we consider. We think about what days we will take off throughout the year. What lessons we are doing each day. What curriculum we are going to use for each subject. And […] Read more…