
Are you homeschooling during a time of uncertainty? My friend Penney shares encouraging tips on how you can continue to homeschool in times of uncertainty.

Homeschooling in the Midst of the Uncertainty

Creative Ways to Homeschool When You are in a Place of Uncertainty Uncertainty makes it really hard to buckle down and concentrate and focus. It’s really hard to make plans when everything is in a state of limbo. It’s hard to even think straight when you don’t know what you will eat that day or […] Read more…

Simple ways to be intentional with the plethora of information, samples, and catalogs that you receive at a homeschool convention.

Being Intentional With all that Information from a Homeschool Convention

Every year for the last three years I have attended the Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention held in Nashville at the Opryland Hotel. The convention is three days of sessions and an exhibit hall that is filled with information, notes, tips, brochures, handouts, advice, books, and curriculum. You can imagine how many paper piles up! […] Read more…

Are you having hard homeschooling days? Come on over and read my tips on how you can turn your hard days into a blessing.

How to turn your hard homeschooling days into a blessing!

As homeschoolers, we know how important it is to plan out our homeschool year. When we plan out our year there are many things we consider. We think about what days we will take off throughout the year. What lessons we are doing each day. What curriculum we are going to use for each subject. And […] Read more…

Are you a homeschool mom looking for encouragement? Come on over and read 20 encouraging posts written by 20 homeschool moms sharing from their heart.

Finding Encouragement In Your Homeschooling Journey

My friend Amy from Rock Your Homeschool had an AMAZING blog party throughout the month of July called 20 Days of Homeschooling Encouragement. I was a contributor to this awesome homeschool blog party and it was so much fun! We had 19 other amazing homeschool moms that participated because they wanted to encourage other homeschool moms. They all […] Read more…

How to be Intentional In Large Family Homeschooling

How To Be Intentional In Large Family Homeschooling

I am thrilled to have the opportunity to contribute to sweet Jessica’s blog! Her positive and encouraging support meant so much to me during my blog and Periscope journey. I pray that my post helps bless her amazing work. As I considered topics for this guest post, I thought it appropriate for me to share […] Read more…