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Nothing is going according to plan. If one more person asks you for something, you’re going to lose it. You just need a break!

If that’s where you are, you want peace. You need peace. How do you get it? And once you find it, what can you do to keep it?

Would you like to know how to intentionally pursue peace? Come on over and read what Melanie had to say about intentionally pursuing peace in your life.

A Misguided Intentional Pursuit of Peace

When I’m having one of those days, I want to be alone. Even though I’m an extrovert, I have my limits in a house where there are four kids I’m still homeschooling, a work-at-home husband, and a misbehaving dog.

I look for peace in my work. I think if I can just have some interrupted time to get my writing done, I’ll have peace. Even on the very rare occasions that I’m not interrupted while working, I don’t have the peace I crave. I just discover several dozen more things I need to do.

I look for peace in friendships. When I’m stressed, I will chat with friends. I love chatting just as I love writing, but I don’t find lasting peace in these pursuits. When the chat is over, I still have the same challenges.

I look for peace in snacks. When I’ve had enough, I will pour myself a favorite beverage and I’ll raid my chocolate cabinet. Usually, I’m discovered by the rest of the family who demands to share the goods.

I’ve looked for peace in shopping, reading, and hobbies. I enjoy these pursuits, but I don’t find lasting peace in them, either.

The Intentional Pursuit That Leads to Lasting Peace

When Jesus was famished after forty days of fasting, Satan appeared to tempt him. So too, when we are at our weakest, our enemy will suggest a failed path to peace. We often take it when we could have the source of peace: God Himself.

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We can intentionally pursue peace by pursuing Christ. The wonderful thing is that He isn’t hard to find. I have had days when my family and friends weren’t available to me, but Jesus always is. Instead of looking for peace in all the wrong places, we can intentionally pursue peace by:


You know this, right? But are you thinking of prayer as a formal activity that is reserved for morning quiet time? That isn’t the case. I encourage you to read my post 6 Lies That Keep Us From Praying. This is one of them.

Prayer can be a simple plea for help anytime, anywhere. I have been amazed by how dramatically God has answered this prayer when I am intentional in praying it.

Praying through the alphabet at night is another powerful way to pursue peace. Think of a prayer or worry for each letter of the alphabet. I love doing this whenever I have trouble sleeping.

Keeping a record of prayer is another way of intentionally pursuing peace. I have been recording prayers in a journal and then noting when they have been answered. When I find myself worrying about something, I can see how God cared for me in a similar situation. My peace is restored.

Praying through writing is an excellent way to overcome the lies that steal our peace. Record your worries and concerns and then talk back to them as though the enemy himself were speaking. If you write, “I’ll never get it all done!” respond with “I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me,” for example.

Doing the Good We Ought to Do

The Bible says, “He who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins” (James 4:17). Am I the only one who pretends I don’t know what to do? 🙂 I suffer the consequences of not doing the good I ought to do and the primary result is a lack of peace. Romans 14:17 tells us that God’s kingdom isn’t about what we eat or drink (I’m so glad!), but about righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.

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The righteous life for me is being diligent in following the routines God has given me and loving others in word and deed. When I stop doing good in these areas by going to bed late, not exercising, and not maintaining my home, you can bet my words and behavior won’t be loving!

Would you like to know how to intentionally pursue peace? Come on over and read what Melanie had to say about intentionally pursuing peace in your life.

Intentionally Pursuing Peace Today

As I write, I realize that once again, I have been pursuing peace in the wrong places. I have been doing a lot of chatting and snacking! I have also failed to do the good I know I ought to do. I’ve been lax in my routines and I haven’t been my best with my family. I can pursue peace today and so can you. I’m going to ask God for His help and I’m going to back to my routines.

Staying close to the Lord and living righteously is how we can find and keep peace in our lives.

What will you do today to intentionally pursue peace?

Would you like to know how to intentionally pursue peace? Come on over and read what Melanie had to say about intentionally pursuing peace in your life.

Click here for all the rest of the posts in the Intentional Life Series.

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8 Comments on How to Intentionally Pursue Peace

  1. I am having a very hard time with teenager boys right now and it seems there is NEVER any peace in our home. Sometimes I have to talk about it with my sister or to ladies at church. Today I was talking to the pastor’s wife and she said how she dealt with her son as a teenager was she kept reminding herself to “Pursue Peace.” That really struck a cord with me and now I see this post which gives me guidance in how to pursue peace. Thank you.

    • Hi Becky! I’m so thankful that this article provided you the guidance on how to pursue peace. I LOVE how God answers prayers. I’ll be praying for you and your teenage son. I know that the teenage years can be a difficult time but God is with you through it all. Please, feel free to send me an email if you ever need prayer or just to chat. <3

  2. This is so uplifting. I recently started pursuing a more peaceful and intentional life, and it has really helped me out in every way possible. Until now though, I’ve never seen a blogger connect peace and intentional living to prayer and God, but I’m glad you did. I needed that reminder today, so thank you so very much! ❤️

  3. What a powerful message and helpful action steps to start moving toward peace. We all need this peace, and I appreciate you sharing your heart and insight, Melanie!
    Amy recently posted…Grammar GalaxyMy Profile

  4. Amen, Melanie! We are so quick to look for peace and fulfillment in places where we know has nothing but momentary stress relief for us but not lasting peace like a bowl of ice cream or a big slice of chocolate cake!
    Talking through the problem is good but bringing to the throne of God is what we need to do.
    I love that you mention how helpful it is to write about it and respond it with the Word of God! We need His Word engraved in our hearts and minds! When we replace the lies of the enemy with God’s liberating truths we are set free and can truly enjoy lasting peace.
    This was so encouraging!

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