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Dear Mom of my future son-in-law,

Today I was praying for your family and more specifically, I was praying for your son.

Since the day each of my daughters were born, I began to pray for your son.

I don’t know his name or the color of his hair, but I know we are preparing our hearts to love him.

Dear Mom of my future son-in-law, Today I was praying for your family and more specifically, I was praying for your son. Since the day each of my daughters were born, I began to pray for your son.

Someday, our families will be joined by the marriage of our children. God already knows the exact details – the day, the place, and even the colors of the wedding.

But as we both know, there is so much more to marriage than the wedding day.

I was wondering if our families have already met. Maybe our kids will introduce us, or maybe we will introduce them.

It is comforting to know that God already has the plan in place for your son and our daughter to meet and grow in their relationship.

He knows what events will happen between now and then. He knows how to prepare each of our children to be ready to join together as a Godly couple.

Raising Godly sons is an act of love, and I know that you have given your son countless hours of prayer, loving care, and dreams for him to have a happy life.

I pray that you feel strength and peace in raising your Godly son. I hope you know that we  – my husband and my daughters – are actively praying for you and your family.

Raising Godly sons and daughters requires seeking God’s guidance in our daily lives. It is easy to let the weeks slip away and to be too busy to intentionally seek His wisdom. Yet, He has all the answers.

Dear Mom of my future son-in-law, Today I was praying for your family and more specifically, I was praying for your son. Since the day each of my daughters were born, I began to pray for your son.

When I look at each of my precious daughters, I pray God prepares her heart to appreciate and know that your son is the right person for her to marry.

My husband and I are prayerful about talking to her about what a Godly marriage is.

Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. –Matthew 18:19

We discuss with each of our daughters how to be a team with your son and how to build a team as a family.

READ ALSO  Raising Godly Boys to Be Tough and Tender

And pray with her that God will remove any heaviness in her heart and surround her with the Fruits of the Spirit each and every day. We hope that she will be strong when your son is weary and that he will do the same for her.

And encourage her to pray over her choices and to guard her heart against becoming bitter from the world.

We also talk to our daughters about what to seek in a Godly husband. Even as a young child, she knows that choosing a husband is one of the most important decisions in her life. The decision will affect both your son and our daughter along with both of our families.

Our daughter knows that a husband who shows the Fruits of the Spirit is an important part of creating a Godly family.

She knows that she needs to pray carefully about the expectations she has of your son.

She understands that good communication is vital to the survival of their marriage. We are coaching our daughters to listen first and validate your son’s opinions. And we are teaching our daughters to show respect and kindness even when they don’t agree. We are working through truly forgiving each other when we are hurt and offended, which is a continuous work-in-progress.

I pray you are doing the same in your home. Marriage is both wonderful and requires work. My husband and I believe that talking about marriage is one of the best things we can do to prepare our daughter for a happy marriage with your son.

As your raise Godly sons, I hope you talk to him about what to seek in his future wife. I hope he is praying for God to lead his heart to find our daughter at the right time.

That your son seeks God to guide him in making decisions. I pray he turns to God for strength as he grows into manhood.

It is my heart’s desire that your son will seek the exact qualities in a wife that best match what your son needs to honor God. It is in my prayers for your son.

READ ALSO  Raising Godly Boys Who Aren’t Afraid to Be Different from the Crowd

I pray your son and our daughter continue to see the good each other – even when she is struggling. Just like your son, my daughter has a precious heart. I hope both of our children always keep that in mind.

I hope your son and our daughter pray together to bring out the best in each other and keep God at the center of their marriage and home.

If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. -John 15:7

I have one request: Would you please pray for our daughter and family, too? We need prayers for God’s strength and guidance just as much as you do.

Raising Godly sons and daughters is likely the most important work we will do, and I will take all the prayers for safety, healing, and guidance as I can get.

As I hold my 1-year-old as she naps, I am wondering if you are holding your own son today. Perhaps you are watching him play with his trains, Legos, or blocks. Maybe you are at a soccer game or refereeing the boys as they wrestle on the couch.

Whatever you are doing, I hope you hear laughter in your home, feel God’s strength in the busyness of life, and know that your son is a blessing.

I just wanted you to know that you are on my mind today. And I pray your family feels peace, love, and joy. I hope any life experiences you have bring you closer to God and closer to each other.

And someday, when our families are joined together in marriage, please know that I will continue to pray for your son and your family all of my days.

Your future daughter-in-law’s mom

Resource for Moms:

The Organized Homeschool Life Book and Planner Digital Bundle by Melanie Wilson of Psychowith6!

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